Thursday, August 24, 2017

My First Day of School... The Sequel

Today was my first day back driving, "The Future of America", to their appointed school. The gravity of it all weighed heavily upon me the night before, as I tossed and turned, seeking that unreachable respite of slumber I so desperately needed. One Thousand and One thoughts ran through my weary mind, chasing away all hope of a restful eve, as hour followed hour of torturous insomnia.

Would the kids like me?
Will the parents accept me?
What is that green stuff stuck in my teeth?
What can I do this year to build upon last year's success?

And then it hit me... Classical Music ...
What 1st-4th grader doesn't just love Classical Music?
*Boom* *Mic Drop*

I will be the first bus driver in our fleet to play unrelenting, mind numbing, culture inducing Bach, Mozart and Beethoven symphonies during the hour plus ride, my young, captive student passengers are subjugated to endure with me.

Yes! Bus 80 will be the culture Bus.

The first hour long selection was a favorite of mine, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's, Oregano in G minor for Oboe and Cello. Now I know what you're all thinking and I agree. "Wolfie" tends to rely a little too much on piccolo solos in that one but the crescendo of the chord progression of the 5th bar of the 27th movement is totally worth it! And as I like to say... if it aint Baroque... don't fix it!

Where was I? Oh yes, Mozart's Oregano in G minor.
I was shocked, yes shocked I must say at the melodious sounds coming from the back of the school bus. Singing. And to think, all these years I thought Mozart's Oregano in G minor didn't have any lyrics. But it was unmistakable, what I heard emanating from just over my shoulder. My students... my brilliant cultured students, had actually written their very own lyrics.

It started out softly... like a baby's whisper as the boys Bass section began...


Then two girls joined in singing Alto...


Then finally the soprano section began the first verse...

The Bus Driver, the Bus Driver, the Bus Driver is...
Bass and Alto...


I can hardly wait until tomorrow to see what these gifted children do with Beethoven's First, Second and Fifth Movements! It's going to be Epic!!!

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