Monday, April 10, 2017

The Day I Joined the Circus

Today, I finally fulfilled a nearly lifelong dream, and joined the Jaffa Shrine Circus. Allow me to explain. At the mere age of Nine, I recall my evil, heartless parents visiting upon me the torturous affliction of having to clean my room and eat all my Brussels sprouts. It was then, through muted mouth fulls of said Sprouts, I cried out in disgust. I voiced my protestations in the form of a threat. I was going to run away from home..... and Join the Circus. That would surely teach my wretched parents a much deserved lesson. How was my mother going to explain my obvious disappearance at the next Church social? How was my father ever going to live with himself and the knowledge that he chased his loving blue eyed son away, never to be seen again?

My Plan was Perfect. Flawless. Genius!

But then cartoons came on our television and I was easily distracted.

The circus came and went and I was doomed to a life of cleaning my room and eating Brussels Sprouts. Oh the horror!

That is until today. I was able to bid on a Field Trip that took me and several 2nd graders from Penn Lincoln Elementary to the Jaffa Mosque and the Jaffa Shrine Circus. Again... my plan was Perfect. Flawless and yes... Genius. I was going to ditch these youngsters, make my way to the ring master and put in my application for (you guessed it) "The Circus". Was it wrong to abandon all those cherub faced 2nd graders with no apparent ride back to school? 
I figured what the heck. They're young and probably have parents that would come looking for them. Does that make me a bad person? I mean, it certainly wasn't covered under the Bus Driver Handbook. I figured it was a judgement call at best. Besides, they were at least Eight Years of Age, being second graders and all, maybe they'd ALSO like to join the circus. Who was I to Crush their tender dreams?

Yes... this actually was my thought process.
But there was one thing I had not counted on.
The circus didn't want me.

Evidently they had enough clowns and I was deemed too feminine looking to be the Bearded Lady. Curse my good looks and soft, supple skin!

Well in closing I must say that perhaps everything worked out the way it was intended. The second graders got back to their school and I got back to driving a school bus. It probably wouldn't have worked out anyhow. There was this ferocious animal I met backstage that was sizing me up to be that evenings dinner. I viscous snarling beast that the circus trainers had to hold at bay. Clarabelle "The Ferocious". 

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