Monday, March 6, 2017

A Non-Belieber

From January 23, 2017

Today, before the bell rang, one of my 6th graders came screaming up the isle.

(Katie) "MR. STUCKEY!!! If you care anything about me... if you don't want me to jump in front of the bus and kill myself... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, TURN THAT SONG OFF!!!"

I didn't exactly know what song she was referring to as I was sniffing scented markers one of my 5 year-olds had placed in front of my nose. (another story for another time)

(Me) "What song?"
(Katie) "Justin Bieber!!! I hate Justin Bieber!!!"
(Me) "Well he speaks highly of you."
(Another 6th Grader) 
"He plays old people music that nobody likes!"
(5th Grader) "And he's not even American... he's from Canada!"

Clearly I was losing this argument but it's not like us Stuckey's to just give up... we're stupid like that. I decided to belt out the lyrics to "Baby, Baby, Baby" at the top of my lungs. It was at that moment I realized that not only was I losing the argument for Justin's Bieber's Respect on the Bus but I had also lost the entire Bus'es respect for my singing ability. Thirty-eight elementary aged children covered their ears and protested in a very loud... BOOOOOOO!!!

(Me) "Ah c'mon, I have a great voice!"

That was met with an even louder BOOOOOOOOO!!!!.

(Me) "My voice is so good, I should be ON 'The Voice'."

The boo's were deafening at this point. BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

(Me) "Why if I was on 'The Voice', Blake Shelton would soooo steal me from Miley Cyrus!"

(3rd Grader) "Who's Miley Cyrus?"

(Me singing) "You came in like a wreeeeecking ball..."

There was a moment of silence then*...


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