Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Where Babies Come From

February 8, 2017

Now I know what you're thinking. Certainly I was not foolish enough to have a conversation about the birds and the bees on a bus full of elementary aged children. Well you would be correct in that assumption... however... that did not preclude a gaggle of kindergartners from breaching that very subject this morning. Allow me to explain... one of my third graders is about to become a big brother and I asked him if his mommy had the baby yet. He replied, "No, she's still pregnant." Which prompted the following conversation among 3 kindergartners...

(Child 1) "What's pregnant?"
(Child 2) "That's when your mommy gets fat, goes to the hospital and brings home a little sister."
(Child 3) "No... my mommy brought home a baby brother."
(Child 1 confused) "Mr. Stuckey, where do babies come from?"
(Me) "Well... uh... ummm... I think you should ask your parents that question"
(Child 1) "It's okay if you don't know the answer... we won't think less of you."

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