Monday, March 6, 2017

The Great Tooth Fairy Debate

From January 20, 2017

Now before you get the wrong idea from this post's title... The Great Tooth Fairy Debate of 2017 was not about the viability of the Tooth Fairy. The consensus of the Bus is that the Tooth Fairy's existence is settled science, as a clear majority of students have indeed been enriched by the largess of The Tooth Fairy and her nocturnal pursuits. Nay, Bus 24 took the debate to a whole other level.

Today's great debate query...
What does the Tooth Fairy 
do with the all those teeth, post collection?

We were able to narrow it down to two possibilities with a third option (He carries them off in his space ship) being dispensed with summarily as the logic of that argument quickly crumbled when a majority of students agreed that the Tooth Fairy has wings (being a fairy and all) and would not need a space ship.

The top two arguments were as follows...
(1) She gives them to your mommy to keep in a box on her dresser.
(2) She buries them in the back yard to grow more teeth, or a whole new kid.

So I ask you the reader, which option would you choose?

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