Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Kiss and Tell

Everyday I drive the same route. I pick up the same students at the same stops. Everyday, one of my students, a 1st grader, goes through the same routine. It begins by First, kissing her dog BoBo. Then kissing her mom. Then kissing BoBo again. Then kissing her mom again. Then finally kissing BoBo once more. Today the routine was interrupted... not the kissing part... the aftermath. The young lady got on the bus with a disgusted look on her face and semi-spitting. I asked her what was wrong and she told me BoBo kissed her on the mouth. Evidently the experience was much more pleasurable for BoBo then it was for the 1st grader. As far as I was concerned......... I now had my topic of the day! Bonus!!!

When we arrived at school, the same children that come forward for our morning chats, again came forward. I posed the question...

(3rd Grader) "I had a dog once that used to kiss my mom, but he died."
(Me) "He died from kissing your mom???"
(3rd Grader) "No, he got hit by a car."

(1st Grader) "I wouldn't want to kiss my dog on the mouth because he has bad breath, 'cause he doesn't brush his teeth."
(Me) "Well they say a dog's mouth is cleaner than a humans."
(1st Grader) "Not my dog, he once ate his vomit and he licks himself in inappropriate places."
(Me) "Yeah... I wouldn't want to kiss your dog on the mouth either."