Monday, March 6, 2017

The Unfortunate, Untimely Death of Woofie the Dog

From February 6, 2017

It's not easy being heard on the bus. What with the roar of the engine and 4 sets of heaters running, not to mention all the other conversations going on amongst all the student passengers. Yet, inevitably, one or more kids will try to cut through the chatter and bus sounds and I have to try and make sense of what they're telling me. Such was the case today. Lilly, a second grader, wanted to tell me about her pap, her mom and a dog named Woofie.

Now what I heard through the chatter was...
"My pap brought over a dog *blah blah blah* same age as my baby brother (18 months) *blah blah blah* My mom sat on him *blah blah blah*"

(Me) "So is Woffie okay?"
(Lilly) "No Mr. Stuckey, Woofie is Dead!"
(Me) "Wait... your mom sat on Woofie and he's dead?"
illy) "No Mr. Stuckey. Woofie died a long time ago!" 
(Me) "I thought you said Woofie was the same age as your baby brother?"
illy) "No Mr. Stuckey... my MOM was the same age as Bentley... my MOM is 33 years old now... this happened before I was born."

Now it's becoming clear. Her mom sat on Woofie when she was 18 months old but 
that's NOT what killed Woofie. Doing the Math... If her mom is 33 then Woofie would be like 230 in dog years so THAT'S why Woofie is dead. Now I told you that story to tell you about another story involving Lilly from last week. She and I got into a heated discussion about what you call mailmen when they're girls. I called them a mailwomen but Lilly was thrown off by the mixed pronouns and gave me a lecture on boys and girls. It even went bilingual as she told me I was a Senor and she was a Senora.

(Me) "Actually... you're a Senorita, which is a girl that's not married. Your mom is a Senora."
(Lilly) "My mom's not married, she had a boyfriend but he was crazy and my mom wanted to kill him (pause for reflection) Mr. Stuckey, I wasn't supposed to tell anybody about my mom wanting to kill him."

Well I for one wont be telling anybody about her mom wanting to kill her ex-boyfriend... I don't want to end up like Woofie!

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