Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Cupid's Boobies are Showing

From February 10, 2017

Now you'd have thought I learned my lesson earlier this week, when the subject of 'the birds and the bees' came up, to not broach such controversial subjects. You'd have thought that but us Stuckey's like to learn things the hard way... builds character. Anywho... today the subject of CUPID came up so I asked the "Future of America" (my kids) what they could tell me about the God of Love and Hallmark Cards.... the Red One... Si
r Cupid.

(Ayden) "Cupid shoots arrows that make you fall in love with the first person you see after you get stuck." (Good start... what could possibly go wrong?)

(Tristen) "Cupid is a baby and he wears a diaper"

The thought of Cupid in Diapers was evidently some sort of giggle trigger word as half the bus broke out in laughter.

(Hannah) "Cupid is Seventeen Fourteen Thousand years old."

(Me) "And yet he's wearing that same diaper... it must be pretty smelly by now."

Big Rookie Mistake on my part as the whole Bus used my statement about a smelly diaper to start chanting... "CUPID'S GOT A POOPY DIAPER! CUPID'S GOT A POOPY DIAPER!" All decorum of decency had left the Bus and it was now my Job to quell the Chants and steer the discussion elsewhere.

(Me) "Okay Okay... Cupid's got a poppy diaper... I get it... what else can you tell me about Cupid?"

(John) "You can see Cupid's Boobs."

Again... evidently along with diaper... boobs is a trigger word for giggling among elementary aged children.

(Me) "Alright... that's enough... we do not use the word boobs on the bus."

If I'd had only remembered the sage words of advice from my dear departed grandmother when she implored me... When in a Hole... quit digging. Now the whole bus started chanting... "CUPID'S GOT BOOBS! CUPID'S GOT BOOBS!"

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