Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I'm Older Than Dirt

From February 21, 2017

After much speculation and scientific testing, Bus 24 has determined that I am indeed... old. So old (evidently) that I predate historic landmarks, the students school building and yes... dirt. It started quite innocently this morn, when an excited 2nd grader, Lilly, could not wait to share with me, the rock specimen she had discovered.

(Lilly) "Look what I found Mr. Stuckey!!!"

(Me) "That's really cool Lilly... i
t's a rock... a round, smooth rock."

(Lilly) "Yes Mr. Stuckey, I know it's a rock, but look... you can see growth marks (rings), it must be very old, at least 100 years."

(Me) "I bet it's even older than that... probably millions of years old and from the color and the ring markings, I'd say it was lava that came from a volcano and slowly cooled."

(Another student) "Is it older than the school?"

(Me) "Yes!"

(Lilly) "Mr. Stuckey already told us HE's older than the school."

(I did... and I am)

(The other student) "Are you older than the rock?"

(Me) "Sometimes I feel like I am."

(Lilly) "Did you say my rock came from a volcano?"

(Me) "Yes, Millions of years ago and erosion made it smooth."

(Lilly) "That can't be right, I didn't see any volcanoes at the swing set at the Legion Park and that's where I found it."

(The other Student) "Are you older than Legion Park, Mr. Stuckey?"

(Me) "Sometimes I feel like I am."

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