Monday, March 6, 2017

Oh Say Can You Sing

From January 27. 2017

Our bus parks parallel to the flag pole so yesterday, as the flag was being raised, I felt it was my patriotic duty to sing the National Anthem. Now I'm not the best singer in the world but what I lack in pitch and talent I make up for in volume. I began to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the top of my voice with an ear piercing off key pitch that sent dogs and small children fleeing for safety. The students on the bus quickly begged me to cease my wretched rendition. But I was "tone death" to their cries. So despite the children's protestations, despite the howling of animals in a three block radius, despite the threats of students leaping out the windows into the freezing cold. I crossed my he
art and sang the entire anthem... all four stanzas. Proud of my feat from the day before, I threatened to repeat an encore today. You'd have thought they cancelled recess from all the howling and boo's I received. It was a Mutiny... plain and simple. So we came to a compromise. Two of my students, a 5th grader and a 6th grader, sang "God Bless America" and they sang it... a capella... beautifully and on key. It was AMAZING! This is what driving a bus is all about. These little moments. I try to make an impression on the kids. Today... my kids made an impression on me.

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